Tuesday, August 31, 2010

School is in session

Well, School has started and it actually appears to be getting MORE difficult for our family as we try to adjust to school life. Rising before 7am isn't going well, the boys being apart for 7 hours isn't going well, me missing him so much & just desiring to home school him until he's 35!, well, you can say that's not going well either=p

The school is very strict on some of their policies (partly for safety and partly because it's the beginning of the school year) and so I haven't actually been allowed in the school yet. But I am in the process of getting cleared so I can volunteer there on a weekly basis. I'm not sure exactly what I will be doing but I'm really hoping to start building relationships with the teacher, counselor and office staff to start with. It's difficult even to say more than hello & thank you currently and I so desire more. I'll continue to persevere and worst case Daniel, Grace & I will become lunch room regulars and we'll get to know the lunch room people=P

Here's hoping this transition will start to get easier soon.

P.S. On the positive side we have met a few more neighbors, some even have school age children. I hope that as the weather continues to get nicer we'll be allowed more opportunities to meet our neighbors... and eventually be the ones creating those said opportunities!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

August Already? Where did July Go?

Hello to all our loyal readers! I know that all three of you have been so hungry for an update of our ministry progress;-D

Well, the month of July was spent with our family. And though we have some great memories of the trip, there's not a lot of progress for Christ to report; though there are two family members that seem to be heading towards Him, so Praise God!

As for our neighborhood, we've been gone so long that we had to reconnect with all the neighbors we already met, and essentially meet them again. We've approached one couple that are Christ followers also, to pray with us once or twice a month for our neighborhood, but they stopped by tonight to let us know that they are committed to praying for their neighbors but they are extra committed to church activities 3 days a week so we won't be physically getting together to pray but we will all be praying.

Other than that kind of relationship building we are having an ABSOLUTE BLAST with our friends that live a mile away. We are seeing each other several times a week and Jason & I are so enjoying having a friendship like the ones we had when we were children (Shout out to the Bowling Buddies!!). We are even all getting in shape together! It's really great=D

Now on to a more teary subject, school. The schools will be a huge ministry area for us as Xander (/sniffle) gets ready for Kindergarten. We sign him up on the 10th & he starts on the 23rd... we are kind of hoping to meet the teacher before school starts but I'm not sure how that works. Anyway, I've taken on a role at my friends non-profit organization, Retread. (If you don't know about Retread, please visit this website: theretreadproject.org If you're interested in helping out Retread in anyway, then get back to me ASAP! The school year is beginning & it is a busy time for us.)

So Retread is about transforming a child's life & one of the ways it does that is by providing shoes to children who cannot afford them. I am going to be a representative in our area & hope to really build up relationships with the schools that Retread already serve and Xander's school. Plus there are things I'd love to do that I'm not sure I can yet, but I want to make sure every child gets to celebrate their birthday at school, whether that's bringing cupcakes or fruit snacks or a gift for the birthday child I don't know but it'd be awesome. Of course we want to volunteer in the classroom and we are happy to supply school supplies as much as we can. I imagine we'll get involved with the PTA, I just have to remember I'm doing this in Christ... which means I have to keep my "momma bear" syndrome in check, Lord Help Me!!!

Anyway, that's about it for now... maybe a new update before this month is out?! /shock 8-)

