Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Celebraties Name their Babies

Does it matter?

Well, it matters to a lot of people. I love to hear about babies being born and the details of names and birth stats, the significance of it all and the awesomeness of the experience. Do I think it odd when a baby is given a name like Apple, Blue or Exton? Well, yeah, a little I guess. But I also think it odd when regular people name their babies things like Braxton or Bella. Not that I don't like those names, but for all names listed I wouldn't name my children that.

But let's think for a second. What does the hottest, most popular, fashion forward, muilt-millionaire couple name their baby?? Like one reporter said, "Come on! You'd be disappointed if they named her Lisa" haha!

I think the problem people really have about what, especially famous and rich entertainers name their babies is that those individuals are showing the world that the rules don't apply to them. They are special! They don't have to name their babies John, Mary, Jennifer, Elizabeth, Kaitlyn, Matthew or any other 'normal people' names because they are not normal people.

So the question is, what 'rules' are you conforming to that you don't have to? You are a Christian, special on those terms and there are LOTS of rules that you shouldn't be applying to your life. Unfortunately it's been my experience that Christianity has only opened the door on rules that you should be conforming to.

Really people??

"O, you love God? Well, then you can't dance like this, be friends with people like that, or talk like this or do things like that" (Yes, I'm purposefully fague, you fill in the details).

Instead of focusing on what we can't do legally as Christians, let's focus on what we can do. We CAN offer the path to Forgiveness, Grace, Peace, Unconditional Love, Eternal Life, Acceptance and the list can go on.

After all, "The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love." Psalm 103:8

Let's celebrate that and allow it to be a gift of freedom, not chains of enslavement. The societal rules of this world don't apply to us.

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