Friday, February 19, 2010

What's In A Name?

You may be asking yourself (if you're out there reading), why the name "Region Seven" for our blog?

As Leesa has mentioned already, we have been called into the mission field. What images does that conjure up in your mind? Perhaps some third world country? Africa?

While the need is great throughout the world for people to share God's love, there is a new missional movement recognizing that North America is itself a mission field. Missions is no longer about sending Christians from developed countries into underdeveloped areas that have not heard the Good News of Jesus Christ.

Did you know that South Korea is the 2nd largest missionary sending country in the world? Did you know they send missionaries to the United States? Missionaries from around the world are coming to the U.S. to help in the spread of the Gospel.

The name Region Seven is based in our denomination's structure. The Church of the Nazarene is spread around the globe, and broken up into seven regions (Africa, Asia-Pacific, Caribbean, Eurasia, Mexico & Central America, South America, and North America). "Region Seven" signifies that the North America region is the seventh, newest missions region. The region where "The Naz" was founded is being recognized as a growing mission field (the US is one of the largest fields in the world, and the largest in the Western Hemisphere).

Region Seven reminds us that our call is missional in nature. We want to treat our call the same as if we were being sent to Africa. Will you join in sending us? We need your prayers, encouragement, etc.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Trip to the Local Park

Well, after several weeks of not being able to go outside the children were dying to get out while the sun was shinning so warm yesterday. And since I was the only one not feeling well, I thought it'd be good to get out and play. We took a trip down to the local park in the neighborhood we are feeling tugged toward and met some people, played a little while and had a good time. The diversity of those at the park is reflective of the neighborhood and I look forward to learning more about the area. One day soon, after I'm feeling 100% and the weather is again great, we'll head down for a longer visit. There is also a Chick-Fil-A near by, and that will certainly be a hot spot for us!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Not the Beginning, but Definitely a Tangible Starting Point

So the house is on the market. Has been for 2 weeks now and though we've only had 2 viewings we are at peace that God is in this decision and we will wait patiently for the buyer we've been praying for to come along. Of course this is still very easy for us to say because we are so early in the process.

What process you ask yourself? Let me take a moment to explain.

My husband and I, along with our children, are embarking upon an interesting, Spirit lead journey where we are selling our beautiful, enormous house and moving into an older, more established, very diverse neighborhood to be Christ. Essentially we are becoming missionaries. We are moving into unfamiliar territory and culture to share the love of Jesus by serving our neighbors and building relationships.

There are lots of exciting (and possibly scary) options or predicaments that may arise from this journey but with your help and prayer support I believe we will make it through each and every one of them.

It is our intention to blog regularly to keep you informed so you may best know how to pray for us or be supportive in other ways but for now, the journey is slow.

First Prayer Challenge:
Join us in praying Luke 10:2 each morning at 10:02. Set your alarm to remind you to take just a few seconds and pray for those that find themselves in the shadows as well as those that are to be light where there is none.

"The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Luke 10:2

